C1 or CH1 - the internal air temperature sensor is short-circuited or open in the circuit;
C2 or CH2 - evaporator temperature sensor short-circuited or open circuit;
C4 or CH4 - the condenser temperature sensor is short-circuited or open in the circuit;
C5 or CH5 - connection between the external and internal units;
C6 or CH6 - current in the inverter module circuit is exceeded;
C7 or CH7 - compressor current is exceeded;
C8 or CH8 - the fan of the indoor unit does not rotate;
C9 or CH9 - the fan of the external unit does not rotate;
C10 or CH-10 - the thermistor for monitoring the temperature of the compressor housing of the split system is faulty (open or short circuit)
CA - discharge temperature above 130 0С;
CC - error EEPROM (internal non-volatile memory);
CD - error in the inverter module;
Po - the system is in energy-saving mode, there is no error;
Lo - the system is in test mode, there is no error;
If there is no error code, and the LED indicators on the panel blink, you need to download the full version of the error code, there is also a graph of the temperature sensor resistance versus